Alignment Studio Yoga Yuen Long 元朗瑜伽教室


Peony began her yoga journey since 2015, she felt in love with it ever since. Peony has rich teaching experience and her classes are suitable for different level of students. Her class could be a little bit challenging yet with her clear instructions it becomes very easy to follow. She encourages you embrace the change in your body, appreciate every moment of your emotion change during the process , if you want to explore a little bit more of your limit, Peony’s class is best for you.

Peony修練瑜伽超過6年以上,對瑜伽充滿熱誠,擁有專業認可國際瑜伽導師資歷Yoga  Alliance HKYA-ACI®️200。曾任教於不同機構,包括高級屋苑會所、瑜伽中心、健身中心、公司班及私人班。
